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About Us

Northern Lights Research Associates is led by Dr Heather Yoeli, an engaging and skilled participatory researcher and writer who needs a better haircut. The kind of research that we do means that it’s not about her as a researcher, but everyone who has advised us on the website has said that we need a section blowing her trumpet a little, so here goes…

Heather has a broad academic background in the humanities and social sciences. She has worked across the third sector for a range of advocacy, community development, and faith-based organisations, but has always particularly enjoyed learning about and writing about new things, which led to her MA in Creative Writing and PhD in Public Health. Since completing her PhD in 2015, Heather has worked in a range of postdoctoral research and teaching roles spanning qualitative methods, the medical humanities, the arts and health, and mental health at Durham, Newcastle, and Northumbria Universities, as well as at University College London and City, University of London. She has been working as a freelance researcher since 2020.


You can find out more about some of Heather’s work by scrolling through the sections below.


Evaluation and policy reports

  • Gillard, S., Anderson, … and Yoeli, H. et al, 2021 Evaluating Mental Health Decision Units in acute care pathways (DECISION): A quasi-experimental, qualitative and health economic evaluation. Report commissioned by NIHR.

  • Yoeli, H. and Sin, J., 2021. Recovery in Mind 2019-2021: A research evaluation. Study commissioned by Recovery in Mind and Big Lottery Foundation.

  • Diaz, C., Edwards, D., Yoeli, H., Young, J., Ridley, L., Williams, D. and Robson, M., 2021. Children in Care’s participation. Study commissioned by Department for Education and South Tyneside Council. In press.

  • Yoeli, H., Edwards, D., Diaz, C., Young, J., Ridley, L., Williams, D. and Robson, M., 2021.  Family Time experiences of care experienced children and young people during the Covid-19 pandemic: a rapid scoping review.

  • Diaz, C., Edwards, D., Yoeli, H., Young, J., Ridley, L., Williams, D. and Robson, M., 2021. A review of key literature on Children in Care’s participation.


Literature reviews

  • Yoeli, H., Macnaughton, J. and McLusky, S., 2021. Menopausal symptoms and work: a narrative review from casual work in the grey economy. Maturitas,

  • Yoeli, H. and Macnaughton, J., 2020. ‘To more than I can be’: A Phenomenological Meta-Ethnography of Singing Groups for people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Health,

  • Yoeli, H., Dhital, R., Hermaszewka, S., Luitel, N., and Sin, J., (under review) A meta-ethnography of participatory health research in Nepal. Social Science & Medicine.


Theoretical papers

  • Yoeli, H., 2021. The psychosocial implications of social distancing for people with COPD: Some exploratory issues facing a uniquely marginalised group during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Theory and Health,

  • Yoeli, H., Macnaughton, J., McLusky, S., and Robson, M., 2020. Arts as treatment? Innovation and resistance within an emerging movement. Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health 2020(2), pp.91-106. This paper has been shortlisted for national Norwegian health research award.

  • Yoeli, H. and McLusky, S., 2020. ‘It’s clever but is it art?’ Perspectives in Public Health 140(5), pp.257-8.


Creative co-productions

  • Shanice's story; Keira's story; Jackie's story. Co-written with the birth mothers of the Time Together study,. Directed and produced by Blue Cabin CIO, North East England2021.

  • The Breathless Song. Co-written and co-produced with The Breathless Singers choir for people with COPD, South Shields, 2019.

  • The Empty Chair's disclosure. Forum Theatre intro for the Intervention v Interference study. Northumbria University, Newcastle, 2014.

  • for fruit scones and coffee. Play co-written with mental health service users. Shortlisted for production by Live Theatre, Newcastle. 2008.


Empirical publications

  • Yoeli, H., Durant, S., McLusky, S., and Macnaughton, J., 2021. ‘We’re all in the same boat’: How participatory song-writing might enhance psychosocial benefits of Singing for Breathing groups. Journal of Applied Arts & Health 12(2),

  • Yoeli, H. and Cattan, M., 2017. Insiders and incomers: How lay public health workers’ knowledge might improve public health practice. Health and Social Care in the Community 25(6), pp.1743-51.​

  • Yoeli, H., Lonbay, S., Morey, S., and Pizycki, L., 2016. Safeguarding adults: from realism to ritual. Journal of Adult Protection 18(6), pp.329-340.

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